Unity Productions Is Doing It Up!

The best thing I ever did in SL was join Unity Productions. It’s amazing that almost two years ago, I sat in a church in-world, enthralled with what Pastor Pet Karu had to say, then went to a meditation led by Pet, and then found myself swept-up in what would become UP. Within these two years, we have produced four major productions (Come Away My Beloved (v.1 and v.2), The Creation Story, I Was with Him, and The Misfits — all original works) and a countless number of soaking worships and other events across the grid. We’ve been featured in some of the it publications in SL (here’s one right here), and for every endeavor, we give it up to God who makes it all possible.

Now, UP is working to kick it to the next level (more on some of this in 2012!), and one way we are going to do that is with more material on our website. Instead of just showing what we do, we are working to show you who we are–as children of the Most High. Initiatives for the site kick off this month as UP plans several monthly projects to read, see, and listen to. This month ago, we have showcased three new monthly initiatives: monthly prayer podcast/post, monthly faith-based podcast/post, and monthly musical inspiration.

Every 1st of the month, UP will offer a prayer from one of its members. Check out December’s monthly prayer by UP founder Pet Karu. Every 15th of the month, UP will offer a podcast or blog post focused on a faith-related topic. Check out December’s podcast by me titled “Take the Limits Off!” Every 20th of the month, UP will offer a musical inspiration from one of its members. This month, I share one of my favorite songs that lifts my spirit. Check it out here.

In addition to initiatives on the site, UP has also branched out an added a new leg to its organization: Sisters in Spirit. Spearheaded by me, SiS hopes to connect with women of faith, on the grid and beyond. It has already released the short SL film, Burdens as well as poetry that connects to the film. In 2012, SiS will have more films, podcasts, and talks and interviews with women who use their faith to lead to success in their lives.

I’m very blessed to be a part of these things, and I hope you take the time to check them all out, share what you see, and contact me if you’d like to get involved!

Loose ~ A Poem Showcased at Sisters in Spirit

A few weeks ago, through Charisma Productions and SiS Films, I premiered my first SL short, Burdens. I’m ecstatic that through my blog, the SiS blog, and YouTube, the movie has gotten a lot of views and so many positive thoughts from viewers! Makes the heart swell with warmth. This week at the SiS site, in honor of Burdens and of laying one’s burdens down, we showcase the poem “Loose.”

Here’s a snippet:

When you do,
What you do,
Where you do,
Why you do,
How you do,
I become loose.

Get your mind out the gutter,
for I’m talking about one
who is like no other,
my Lord, my Savior, my Father.

He took me, a
bad past-reflecting
woman, and He
shook me loose and free
like crisp white sheets
on the line being whipped
by a stiff, spring breeze.

At first, I stood,
defiant, reluctant to
let Him in, but when
He wants in, it’s not up
to you whether the door
opens or not.


Head to Sisters in Spirit now to read the rest of this liberating, soul-releasing poem!

Also consider sharing it on Facebook or Twitter, or +1 it on Google+!

The Things You Carried ~ A Poem Showcased at Sisters in Spirit

Last week, through Charisma Productions and SiS Films, I premiered my first SL short, Burdens. I’m ecstatic that through my blog, the SiS blog, and YouTube, the movie has gotten a lot of views and so many positive thoughts from viewers! Makes the heart swell with warmth. This week at the SiS site, in honor of Burdens and of laying one’s burdens down, we showcase the poem “The Things You Carried.”

Here’s a snippet:

You carried many things – some good and some bad; however, what hunched your shoulders, what sprouted sweat upon your brow, what grew a heart heavy, what made a spirit falter, what made faith dissipate, what made believing unimaginable were your burdens.

You carried

Lack of Money
Two-faced Friends
Backstabbing Co-workers
Familial Strife
Missed Opportunities
Societal Norms
Body Image Issues
Fear of Any and Everything
Worry about the

As the first burden takes shape, falls upon your back, and becomes a part of you; the tiniest of cracks forms. Invisible to the naked eye, invisible to all but two: God and the Devil.

Head to Sisters in Spirit now to read the rest of this powerful, moving poem!

Also consider sharing it on Facebook or Twitter, or +1 it on Google+!

BURDENS ~ Premiere Film from Charisma Productions and SiS Films

I am gushing just a wee little bit here. Been learning and learning and finally, I have produced my first short SL film titled BURDENS. The film is produced under my company Charisma Productions and the film leg of Sisters in Spirit, of which I am the founder. Through the short films I hope to produce through SiS Films, I want to tap into some of those real-life feelings, situations that women face and must deal with in order to become stronger, better. BURDENS, though only a one-page script, I believe is a good start in doing that.

I hope that you enjoy BURDENS and that you take the time to visit Sisters in Spirit. Leave comments, please!

On Location for “Burdens” – First SiS Short Film

With SiS, we hope to develop short films that touch upon the variety of situations women face while living their lives. We hope that by doing so discussions can begin on those situations and the importance of and need for faith and action to combat those situations.

On November 22, 2011, SiS will premiere its first short film, Burdens, here on the site. The film, all one and a half minutes of it, centers on a woman who lays her burdens down so that she can move on with her life. Other stories will tackle topics, such as parenting, divorce, premarital sex, and depression.

Here are some pictures from the Burdens shoot.

Cabbie, Saphire Chenault, behind while I stand in the road, daring a car to hit me.

I’m not sure why we felt the need to dry the cab off the road.

Or to hit the funeral parlor…